
Application for admission to the Faculty of Civil Law for AY 2025-2026 will be from March 03, 2025 to July 07, 2025 only. 


Note: Please check the schedule for the Civil Law Entrance Exam and the corresponding payment period.

For more information, please visit https://www.ustcivillaw.com/.

For inquiries, you may email ofadlaw.admission@ust.edu.ph.





     Information we collect
     Why we process your data
     How we use your data
     How we share information
     Your choices and obligations
     Other important information


The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, the Catholic University of the Philippines, is committed to protect the personal privacy of its stakeholders. It is the policy of the University that information collected from its stakeholders be stored, maintained, and used by the University only for appropriate, necessary, and clearly defined purposes, and that such information be controlled and safeguarded in order to ensure the protection of personal privacy to the extent permitted by law.

To be consistent with data protection laws, we ask you to take a moment to review the key points in this privacy policy. By availing of the University’s services, you consent to use of your data under this privacy policy.

Information we collect

We collect relevant personal information online through the Application portal. Likewise, we collect supporting documents submitted in electronic or printed forms (e.g., transcript of records, birth certificate, proof of payment, etc.). The results of your admission to the UST Faculty of Civil Law are appended to the personal information you submit online.

Why we process your data

We use your personal data for educational, research and institutional quality assurance purposes, such as in establishing trends for the Faculty of Civil Law admission in order to inform our decisions on future program offerings and projected resource needs.

How we process your data

We may use your personal information to contact you on matters pertaining to your application for admission. We determine your individual eligibility for admission to the Faculty of Civil Law by evaluating your credentials and the results of your online interview against program standards.

We conduct data analytics of all admission data annually for the purposes mentioned above and we compare aggregate data with those of previous years to compare trends. We may conduct predictive and prescriptive analytics for future decision-making regarding our program offerings. These aggregate analyses do not identify you individually.

We retain depersonalized information after qualified applicants have already enrolled. This information feeds models for 10-year predictive and prescriptive analyses for future decision-making.

However, we retain names and email addresses of those who have not qualified for admission so we can provide you with information on continuing professional development (CPD) programs, graduate programs, or any other University activity open to the public, which you may be of interest to you in the future. You may opt not to receive this information by unticking the choice below, and we will not keep your data for these marketing purposes.

How we share information

The Office for Admissions (OFAD) is the Personal Information Controller (PIC) of all admissions-related data. The OFAD may share your personal information to the Faculty of Civil Law on matters pertaining to your potential admission to the University.

With the permission of the University’s Data Protection Officer (DPO), subject to compliance with research ethics and data privacy, the OFAD may share your depersonalized information to academic researchers who may request for such, instituting measures that will not allow you to be individually identified. You may opt not to grant these academic researchers with access to your personal information by unticking the choice below.

We may need to share your data when we believe it is required by law or to protect your and our rights, welfare, and security. We may likewise need to share your data if required by regulatory agencies such as the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Legal Education Board (LEB), Department of Education (DepEd), or by local and international accrediting agencies (e.g., PACUCOA, PAASCU), as part of the monitoring and/or evaluation process.

Once you qualify for admission, your personal information will be shared with the Office of the Registrar so you will only need to provide additional information necessary for enrollment.

Your choices and obligations

You have the option not to grant use of your personal information for institutional marketing purposes or for research done by individuals or groups outside of institutional research purposes by unticking the options below.

You have the obligation to ensure the completeness and accuracy of all information provided to the University. Provision of fraudulent information, if proven to be deliberate, may prevent you from being admitted to the University.

Other important information

We implement security safeguards designed to protect your data. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks, and apply necessary measures to protect your data.

You may contact us through the Office of the University Data Protection Officer to communicate any concerns you may have regarding our privacy policy.

General Guidelines
  1. Applicants are required to accomplish the online application. Click Register to proceed.
  2. Please fill out all the fields. Type "N/A" or "0" if information is not applicable. Read all important notes before proceeding.
  3. You may edit your application as often as you wish; however, once you click the "Submit and Finish My Application" editing will no longer be possible.
  4. Make sure that your email address is current and active. Your reference number will be sent to the email address you indicated in the pre-registration. You may check your spam/junk box in case you did not receive it in your inbox.
  5. Application and submission of requirements are done online, the UST Office for Admissions will not accept walk-in applicants.
  6. Wait for UST OFAD to verify your requirements. An email will be sent to you once your requirements have been verified.
  7. Once verified, pay the non-refundable application fee of Php 1,200.00. Payment is done online using the University Payment Gateway (log in to your account in the application portal for payment)
  8. Download your Test Permit and proceed to take the Law Entrance Exam.  

o 2x2 picture (JPEG only)

o PSA Birth Certificate (PDF only)

o College Transcript of Scholastic Records (PDF only)

a. An applicant must be a holder of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, or a candidate for graduation for such degree by end of school year 2024-2025.

b. If an applicant is graduating in 2025, the original copy of a temporary transcript containing College records from the first year up to the first term/semester of the fourth or last year prior to graduation should be submitted.

o One (1) Certificate of Good Moral Character (PDF only)

a. For UST graduates/graduating students, the certificate should come from the Office for Student Affairs (OSA).

b. For non-UST graduates/graduating students, the certificate should come from the Guidance Office or its equivalent or from the Dean of their current College.

c. Applicants who graduated in 2020 or earlier may submit a certificate from their employer. Graduates of 2021 to 2025 should secure the certificate from their school.

o Application Fee: Php 1, 200.00

Important: Original copies of the admission requirements will be submitted during enrollment.

Exam Schedule Payment Period
BATCH 1 - March 29, 2025 March 03 - March 26, 2025
BATCH 2 - May 03, 2025 March 27 - April 30, 2025
BATCH 3 - May 31, 2025 May 1 - May 28, 2025
BATCH 4 - June 21, 2025 May 29 - June 18, 2025
BATCH 5 - July 12, 2025 June 19 - July 10, 2025


Note: The schedule for the nearest exam will be shown in your test permit after the online application is completed and the application fee is paid.

After the interview, the results of the application will be coursed through the application portal.

     o For qualified applicants, you will receive an email with instructions for reservation and later, for enrollment.

     o For waitlisted applicants, you may opt to wait for update as regards the availability of slots, but without guarantee. We will update your portal as soon as evaluation of all other applications are through.

       o For applicants who will not qualify, your portal will be updated.

1.    Do you accept Transferees?

As a rule, the Faculty of Civil Law does not accept transferees. Only applicants who are either graduating from their current program or have already graduated without taking any law units from other institutions are eligible to apply.

2.    Can I request for a reschedule?

Applicants who missed their scheduled exam may request a new schedule.

The Request for Reschedule can be done by logging in to your portal. Select your preferred Schedule, then pay the rescheduling fee of PHP 200.00. Check your updated test permit after paying the rescheduling fee.

3.    When is the start of classes?

The start of classes will be based on the Academic Calendar of the University of Santo Tomas (UST). The University typically announces its official schedule before the start of each academic year, including important dates such as enrollment periods, the beginning of classes, holidays, and examination schedules.

For the most accurate and updated information, applicants and students are encouraged to regularly check the UST official website for any announcements regarding the academic schedule.

4.    How much is the tuition fee?

The tuition fees for the Faculty of Civil Law at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) are determined and released by the university before each academic year. The exact amount may vary depending on factors such as the number of units enrolled, miscellaneous fees, and other charges.

You may visit this website for the schedule of fees https://www.ust.edu.ph/tuition-fees/  (subject to change; use this as a basis only for A.Y. 2024-2025).

5.    When is the Interview?

The applicants will receive an email from the Faculty of Civil Law, in addition to the updates in the portal for the schedule of interview.

6.    What are the requirements?

To view the complete list of application requirements, please visit the Application Requirements tab.

7.    When will the results be released?

·         For qualified applicants, you will receive an email with instructions for reservation and later, for enrollment.

·         For waitlisted applicants, you may opt to wait for update as regards the availability of slots, but without guarantee. Your portal will be updated as soon as evaluation of all other applications is completed.

·         For applicants who will not qualify, your portal will be updated.

8.    What should I do if I make a mistake in my entry of data?

The information found in the Basic Information Tab can no longer be edited anymore once you receive your Reference Number. Other information in the online application may still be edited before clicking the "Submission of Application for Verification" button.

Should there be a need for corrections on the personal information, kindly email ofadlaw.admission@ust.edu.ph.


To contact the Dean's Office of the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Civil Law for concerns other than admissions, you can use the following information:

Telephone Numbers: (632) 8731-4027 (632) 8880-1611 (loc. 8225)​

These contact details are provided on the official UST Faculty of Civil Law website.

Are you a NEW Applicant?

Sign-up here to start your application and get your reference number.

Start my Application
Registered Applicant

Have an account and reference number? Log in now.


University of Santo Tomas,
España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015


+632 8731-4027
+632 8880-1611 loc. 8225